UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Parenting the pre-school aged child with asthma : a secondary analysis using the Canam adaptive task framework Meyerhoff, Heather P.


A significant population of children and their families manage chronic illness as part of their daily lives. Asthma is one of the most common acute and chronic diseases in children and accounts for a major cause of school absenteeism, visits to emergency departments, and hospital admissions. The family, primarily the parents, must take on the responsibility of caring for these children on a day-to-day basis. The Canam Adaptive Task Framework (ATF) identifies and describes the common adaptive tasks facing parents in managing their child's chronic condition and is useful in guiding assessment and interventions with these parents. The purpose of this study was to identify the adaptive tasks from the Canam ATF that were expressed by parents of pre-school aged children with asthma in part of a previously existing qualitative data set. The research question for this study was: Does the Canam ATF fully accommodate the expressions of parenting the pre-school age child with asthma using an existing set of interview data? Qualitative data for this study were originally collected as part of a larger study. Interview data from 10 mothers and 8 fathers in 10 families, were selected from this larger study for participation in this secondary analysis. Each family was interviewed three times and their verbatim interview transcripts were1 analyzed using latent content analysis techniques. The Canam ATF provided the conceptual framework and content codes to guide the analysis. The findings in this study were categorized and discussed according to the Canam ATF and the literature. It is significant that all of the adaptive tasks in the ATF were accounted for in the data and that no new categories were identified. Therefore, it is concluded that the Canam ATF was able to folly accommodate the expressions of parenting a pre-school aged child with asthma. Although many of the findings are specific to the management of asthma, the overriding principles may be applied to children with other chronic illnesses. One role of the nurse is to assess whether or not parents are accomplishing each task, and if not, to assist them to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, or resources they need to enable them to achieve the task.

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