UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Lone dzou Ho, Steven Sung-Chi


Lone Dzou (Dragon boat) is a composition for piano and orchestra in one movement. The main musical ideas are based on various elements of a piece of traditional Chinese instrument folk music named Choi Lone Du Qum which is associated with the dragon boat race. This traditional piece is played during the race to arouse the spectators of the race while its driving rhythm keeps racers paddling vigorously and in synchronization. In Lone Dzou, the orchestra and the piano often engage in a tightly knitted counterpoint symbolizing the dragon boat race. Thus, the thesis captures, in large part, rhythmic aspects of the folk music, and conveys the images of the dragons racing and dancing across the water. The resultant driving rhythms create a momentum that unifies the work. The thesis is by no means a rearrangment of the folk song; in fact, the original music is not presented in its entirety nor is it recognizable except in fragments and in the work's formal plan. The musical language of the thesis is a synthesis of the folk song idiom and that of free atonality controlled by pitch class sets.

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