UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Deeper understanding through dance Dionne, Claude


This study concerns dance as a Fine. Arts subject in a junior high school French Immersion program. It focuses on two semesters involving grades 8, 9, and 10, and examines the quality of students' work with reference to the practicalities of the British Columbia K-12 Dance Curriculum, and the ideas of "deeper understanding", as defined by Howard Gardner (1991). Assessment of the quality and range, of students' work focuses on the categories of Production, Reflection, Perception and Approach to Work. These were drawn from the project known as Arts Propel initiated by Howard Gardner. Students' various "competencies" are examined through in depth interviews, video taping and field notes, as well as direct observations of students' work. The role of a knowledgeable external observer is acknowledged. Analysis of the findings suggest that dance may be a natural vehicle for this quality of deeper understanding but in this particular case such learning depended upon an emphasis on original dance composition performed within group contexts.

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