UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Characterization of an 11s legumin-like storage protein gene from the gymnosperm picea glauca Márquez García, Magdalena Ivonne


The amino acid sequence homologies of seed storage proteins in all seed plants, including gymnosperms, suggest that they evolved from a common ancestor. Seed storage protein genes have been extensively studied in angiosperms, however no data regarding the structural organization of the genes in gymnosperrns is available. This is the first report of a gymnosperm seed storage protein gene. A 2 genomic clone containing a Picea uS legumin gene was isolated and characterized. The organization of the gene was found to be similar to angiosperm legumin genes. The nucleotide sequence contains five exons and four introns. The number of introns differs from those in angiosperrns, however the position of the first three introns is highly conserved, as it is in angiosperms. A deletion was found in the third exon. The possibility of this deletion being a cloning artifact is discussed. The deduced amino acid sequence is 509 amino acids long and is 98.7% identical to a previously characterized legumin cDNA from Picea glauca. lmino acid comparisons of the legumin genes of Picea and other species showed the presence of highly conserved sequences. Putative regulatory sequences were found in the 5’ flanking sequence of the Picea uS legumin gene by comparisons between Picea uS legumin promoter and angiosperm SSP promoters.

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