UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The efficacy of parent-focused language intervention: a case study Hoff, Karen Liane


The present study examined the influence of an individualized parent training program on parent behaviours presumed to facilitate language acquisition and the language development of a child with a language production disorder. A 10-week parent-focused intervention program based on the Hanen Early Language Parent Program (Manolson, 1985) was conducted. The results of the present study indicate that the parents were able to increase their use of techniques that are presumed to facilitate reciprocal interaction and language development. Changes in the parents' communicative behaviours co-occurred with improvements in the social-communicative abilities and at least some of the linguistic abilities of the child. Findings from the present study have identified the need to clarify the impact of parent training programs on children's communicative and linguistic development. A review of the literature indicates that individual responses to intervention may be masked by the presentation of group results. While this study makes no claims for general program efficacy, it does offer a method to evaluate program efficacy in single dyads.

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