UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The experience of aging : a qualitative study of well elderly individuals Tomilson, Roxanne Gaye


This phenomenological study was designed to explore and describe the perceptions of well elders who are experiencing aging. The study was conducted with a sample of nine elders ranging in age from 65 to 77 years. Data were collected by intensive interviewing usually at the community centre or at the home of the elder. The data were analyzed for common themes. The findings revealed that the elderly participants described their aging experience in terms of control. The concept of control was mentioned in relation to lifestyle, finances, and health. The participants repeatedly emphasized that their degree of control directly related to how positively they viewed the aging experience. In other words, the greater the elder's perceived control over lifestyle, finances, and health, the greater the elder's positive perception of aging. The results of a study such as this can be used to facilitate the individual nurse's development of knowledge and expertise as it provides information that may be used in developing and providing nursing services for the elderly population.

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