UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Job satisfaction in critical care nurses Turner, Barbara Elly


This descriptive study was designed to explore job satisfaction among critical care nurses using an established conceptual framework of job satisfaction entitled the Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham, 1980). The standardized measures of general job satisfaction and other job design variables were the Job Diagnostic Survey (Hackman& Oldham, 1980) and the Index of Job Satisfaction (Brayfield& Rothe, 1951). These were sent to a random sample of 300 employed critical care nurses in British Columbia. 127 usable questionnaires were returned and formed the basis for the results. The nurses found task significance and skill variety the strongest characteristics of motivating potential, task identity the lowest. The strongest relationships were seen between general job satisfaction and motivating potential of the job, meaningfulness of the work, and context satisfactions. There was also a significant relationship between general job satisfaction and length of nursing experience.

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