UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The flavonoids of Umbellularia californica (lauraceae) Neville, Heather A.


An analysis of the flavonoids of Umbellularia californica was performed on 23 samples collected from throughout the range of the species in Oregon and California. The goals of the study were to identify the major leaf flavonoids and to establish the presence or absence of flavonoid profile differences between the two growth forms that exist in this monotypic genus. Using standard isolation techniques nine major flavonoids were identified representing a relatively simple profile of flavonol glycosides. Virtually no differences in profile were seen between the two forms. It was concluded that the flavonoid data do not provide any help in defining infraspecific taxa. The flavonoid profile identified in U. californica is consistent with profiles reported from other members of the Lauraceae.

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