UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Prognosis after Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome surgery Stager, Andrew Carl


The main purpose of this study was to determine the prognosis after Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES) surgery for young, active individuals. The hypothesis was that after PAES surgery, full restoration of activity level and sport performance with improvements in exercise-induced leg pain (EILP) and activity tolerance occurs when the surgery is carried out at an early stage of the condition. Twenty-three subjects all having had PAES surgery were interviewed and visual analogue scales were used to record data on: 1) activity levels, 2) performance levels, 3) intensity of leg symptoms and 4) intensity of activity tolerated. The above information was evaluated at three different times: 1) prior to the development of symptoms, 2) at the peak of symptoms (preop), and 3) at the present time (follow-up). Each individual underwent a medical evaluation as well as Duplex Ultrasonography of the affected popliteal artery (ies). Lastly, the subjects performed a progressive treadmill test. Control subjects that were matched for age, sex and education level were recruited for comparison. Results showed that the treatment group's activity level did not change significantly over the time periods. However, the treatment group experienced a significant decrease in its activity from its premorbid level to its current level when compared with the control group (p<.001). Reviewing the performance data, it was evident that the development of PAES caused a significant drop in activity performance for affected individuals (p<.001). Furthermore, the performance did not return to presymptomatic levels after surgery. This result was observed when the treatment group was evaluated on its own (.02>p>.05) and also when compared with the control group (.01>p>.001 ). The combination of PAES surgery and time did bring about a significant decrease in leg symptoms while exercising when compared with the control group (p<.001). Similarly, an increase in the intensity of activity possible before symptom onset was noted after surgery when compared with the control group (p<.001). A prospective study of PAES patients would be valuable to further define the prognosis for individuals undergoing PAES surgery.

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