UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre campus and recurrent education Johnston, David B.


In January 1989 Simon Fraser University opened a satellite campus in the City of Vancouver. This campus at Harbour Centre was designed and located, in large part, to attract adult students wishing to pursue university studies on a part-time basis. While it was expected that this new campus would attract a different student than those at the main campus in Burnaby, there had been no work to determine whether there were real differences. In the Fall of 1992 a profile of all registered students was obtained from the SFU student database. Records for 17,205 individuals were examined and students studying at the two campuses were then compared. The results of the study indicated that the students at the two campuses were substantially different. Specifically the Harbour Centre students were older, disproportionately female, more likely to study part-time and had more education upon admission than the students at the Burnaby campus. This study concludes that, as intended, Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre is successfully providing educational services to the advanced recurrent learner. However, due to restrictive enrollment practices new recurrent learners are being denied access to the university. Should these practices continue it is probable that the Harbour Centre campus will cease to be as distinctive as it is. The profile of the Harbour Centre campus undergraduate student may eventually come to resemble that of the Burnaby campus student.

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