UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Coating maintenance optimization for steel penstocks Siu, Milton


Two methods for minimizing coating maintenance costs for steel penstocks are presented in this thesis. The first method performs a life-cycle cost analysis using equivalent annual costs to compare the three maintenance strategies: touch-up, overcoat, and, strip and recoat. The strategy with the lowest annual costs is considered to be optimal. The second method uses a dynamic programming approach to obtain the minimum costs resulting from a sequence of rehabilitation choices. A computer application, Penstock Maintenance Program (PMP), was developed based on the two optimization procedures. It was intended for this program to serve as a practical tool to minimize the yearly costs of penstock coating maintenance. The program was therefore developed on a platform which is both accessible and familiar. An on-line help feature has also been provided to ease the use of the program. In addition to performing the two optimization procedures, PMP allows the user to enter trial sequences of rehabilitation strategies to compare equivalent annual costs. Interval calculations have also been implemented to handle imprecisely defined cost data.

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