UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Research-based theatre in counselling psychology : centering trans ways of knowing Cook, Christina Olivia MacLeod


The research presented in this dissertation draws on research-based theatre (RbT) to create a playscript. The playscript explores two overarching narrative strands: (1) auto-narratives from Christina’s coming out as a nonbinary transgender woman while undertaking graduate studies in counselling psychology; (2) narratives from the author’s grandmother and mother’s experiences in doctoral programs in the 1940s and 1970s, respectively. Through the playscript, Christina considers the methodological possibilities that emerge when research-based theatre is applied within counselling psychology to explore auto-narratives of graduate school and transitioning. Furthermore, Christina examines the methodological options that arise from a trans-informed approach to RbT creation. A critical commentary and thematic analysis accompany the playscript, providing multiple entry points for knowledge translation.

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