UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

High-performance steel-timber composite rocking shear-wall system for the next generation of tall mass timber buildings : seismic design for system acceptability Al Samouly, Aly


The use of sustainable design methodology in construction has seen major traction due to numerous regional and worldwide net zero emissions targets. These methods have advanced the technological development of systems in innovative ways, resulting in systems that reduce the carbon footprint of structures through the materials used, construction sequences, and end-of-life processes. Furthermore, particularly in seismically prone areas, the advent of resilient systems has seen a surge in ingenious solutions. In this study, a novel high-performance hybrid steel-timber rocking shear wall system is introduced for the next generation of resilient, sustainable structures. The wall system combines the favourable properties of steel plates and CLT panels, resulting in a composite CLT-steel wall section. This wall is pinned at the base and incorporates Resilient Slip Friction Joint dampers to effectively dissipate energy during rocking behavior. The cross-section of the walls is designed using readily available plates and panels, ensuring commercial viability. Through optimization of the composite modules and construction methodology, a modular system that delivers exceptional resilient structural performance, streamlines the prefabrication process, and provides a rapid construction process has been developed. The shear wall system is applied to a benchmark structure located in Vancouver, BC, and the composite section is modelled analytically using ANSYS, where modeling parameters, material thicknesses, strength and other design parameters are varied to determine the most favourable combination for the load scenario. The behaviour of the system is then implemented and calibrated in OpenSees, where a series of nonlinear seismic analyses were executed using selected crustal, subcrustal, and subduction ground motions present in the region according to NBCC 2020 guidelines. Results confirm that system performance exceeds drift requirements as per the current NBCC 2020 building code and yields an adjusted collapse margin ratio of 7.07, 5.61, and 3.90 for crustal, subcrustal, and subduction hazards respectively, resulting in a weighted average of 4.63, exceeding FEMA P-695 guidelines.

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