UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Studio practice : experiments in objectless and objectiveless artmaking Desideri, Valentina


This exegesis reflects on a set of objectless and objectiveless art practices that compose my Studio Practice, which I propose as an approach to artmaking as study and to study as artmaking. In addition to reviewing the relevant theoretical concepts that inform my practice, I discuss four instances of my Studio Practice: the practice of Political Therapy , the collaborative practice of Poethical Readings with Denise Ferreira da Silva, an example of my approach to teaching as study and the performance practice Performance Studies. Political Therapy is a one-to-one artistic practice that addresses through touch a political problem brought up by the participant. Poethical Readings experiment with well-known and newly-designed reading tools – such as the Tarots, Fake Therapy, Reiki, Astrology, amongst others – to image ethical and political questions. My approach to teaching as study experiments with turning any invitation to teach as an occasion for study to self-organize. Finally, Performance Studies is a collaborative practice of performance-making that considers the specific ways in which performance plots attention as productive of knowledge. As an aesthetic praxis, Studio Practice experiments with ways of knowing and making that do not presuppose a knowing subject, an author, or a beholder but rather remain incomplete, in/as study. Indebted to black study, study is understood as a political practice of self-organization which experiments with modes of being together that enact a critical perspective on the modern Subject.

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