UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Static analysis approaches for finding vulnerabilities in smart contracts Ghaleb, Asem Abdo Esmail


The growth in the popularity of smart contracts has been accompanied by a rise in security attacks targeting vulnerabilities in smart contracts, which led to financial losses of millions of dollars and erosion of trust. To enable developers find vulnerabilities in the code of smart contracts, researchers and industry practitioners have proposed several static analysis tools. However, vulnerabilities abound in smart contracts, and the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art analysis tools in detecting vulnerabilities has not been studied. To understand the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art static analysis tools in detecting vulnerabilities in smart contracts, we propose a systematic approach for evaluating smart contract static analysis tools using security bug injection. We use our proposed approach to evaluate the effectiveness of well-known static analysis tools. The evaluation results show that analysis tools fail to detect significant vulnerabilities and report a high number of false alarms. To improve the state of static analysis for finding vulnerabilities, we expand the space of vulnerability detection and propose static analysis approaches for detecting two-broad categories of vulnerabilities in smart contracts, namely, gas-related vulnerabilities and access control vulnerabilities. Our proposed solutions rely on identifying security properties in the code of smart contracts and then analyzing the dependency of the contract code on user inputs that lead to violating the identified security properties. The results show that our proposed vulnerability detection approaches achieve a significant improvement in the effectiveness of detecting vulnerabilities compared to the prior work.

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