UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Chinese rural architecture between tradition and modernisation Tang, Qiqin


Since China's reform and opening up, exchange with the international community has gradually become more frequent, and Chinese architecture has benefited from it. Under the political decision of rapid urbanization, the uniqueness of rural architecture seems to be forgotten by most people, leading to the disharmony of rural architecture with the local environment. Under this premise, it is important to study and learn from people about the essence of rural architecture, as a guide for the present and the future. In this thesis the current state of Chinese rural architecture is described as influenced by: globalization, traditional Chinese culture, and self-development of rural architecture. Firstly, I analyze the globalization of technology, materials and living habits, and select architectural examples. Secondly, through the integration of traditional Chinese culture, Feng Shui theory and traditional Chinese housing, the influence of traditional Chinese factors in contemporary architectural culture on rural architecture is investigated. Finally, I discuss the development direction of rural architecture by analyzing the loss of population, the construction of public infrastructure and the historical legacy of the countryside. Through the combination of the above, the problems faced in improving rural architecture today are explored.

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