UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Adversarial deep learning on digital media security and forensics Wang, Yongwei


Data-driven deep learning tasks for security related applications are gaining increasing popularity and achieving impressive performances. This thesis investigates adversarial vulnerabilities of such tasks in order to establish secure and reliable machine learning systems. Adversary attacks aim to extract private data from a model of a task and misguide the model so it yields wrong results or an answer desired by the attacker. This thesis studies potential adversarial attacks that may affect an existing deep learning model of a specific task. Novel approaches that expose security vulnerabilities of four typical deep learning models in three dominant tasks (i.e., matching, classification and regression) are developed. These models include image hashing for image authentication and retrieval, fake face imagery forensic detection, image classification and single object tracking. In the first model, image hashing converts images into codes that are supposed to be non-invertible. However, we prove that this can pose image privacy concerns, and propose two deep learning de-hashing neural networks to show that we can obtain high quality images that are inverted from given image hashes. In the second model, we address fake face image detection. Fake images that can escape an adversarial attacked detector are usually degraded versions of original images. We analyze the visual degradation in such face images, and show how to design attacks that result in visually imperceptible adversarial images. For the image classification model, instead of the conventionally employed visual distortion metric, we propose the use of perceptual models as a novel measure for adversarial example generation. We then propose two sets of attack methods that can generally be incorporated into all existing gradient-based attacks. Lastly, for the single object tracking model, we propose the concept of universally and physically feasible attacks on visual object tracking in real-world settings. We develop a novel attack framework and experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed concept. The adversarial explorations and examples provided in this thesis show how existing deep learning tasks and their models could be vulnerable to malicious attacks. This would help researchers design more secure and trustworthy models for digital media security and forensics.

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