UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The Crucible : an exploration of the classical mixing with the contemporary Nelson, Jessica Anne


This is the written component of my thesis production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. This document chronicles my experience directing The Crucible on the Frederic Wood Theatre at the University of British Columbia for the Theatre at UBC’s 17/18 season; from pre-rehearsal planning, advising meetings, design meetings and planning, script analysis, rehearsal journals, rehearsal process, to finally post show reflections, and my growth as a director throughout this whole process. The first section outlines my script analysis and thinking of how to unlock, understand, and best direct The Crucible in a 2018 world with a feminist perspective in mind. The second section entails my thoughts about the play from auditions, design meetings, and rehearsals with the actors until opening night on March 15th, 2018. This portion reveals my thoughts about the play as I am making new discoveries and unlocking questions or puzzles around the play in real time during the entire pre-production and rehearsal process. The third section includes my analysis and personal reflections on the final product of The Crucible and myself as a director.

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