UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

What helps and what hinders in recovery from cumulative trauma Holland, Elizabeth Robin


This qualitative research used a Critical Incident Technique to explore the resources women have used in their recovery from cumulative trauma, how they used these resources, and what meaning these resources had for the women who used them. Interviews were conducted with seven women who had experienced traumatic events in both childhood and adulthood, and who had reached a level of recovery from this cumulative trauma. Several findings emerged which have the potential to inform counselling approaches when working with women who have experienced cumulative trauma. One finding was that of new resource categories which may be useful for counsellors to explore in their work with women recovering from cumulative trauma. Another finding in regard to the importance of the meaning of these resources was highlighted, leading to the suggestion that counsellors work on a 'meaning' level when exploring helpful resources with their female clients who are recovering from cumulative trauma.

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