UBC Undergraduate Research

Greening the Marina : A Roadmap to Renewable Energy for the Clubhouse at Spruce Harbour Marina Harland, Natasha; Varga, Natalie; Kummer, Lauren; Wang, Haoyue


The energy industry is currently responsible for 78% of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. With the climate crisis worsening, it is crucial that carbon-intensive energy sources are transitioned to renewable and low-carbon sources to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and prevent further climate change. This project provides the research and resources necessary to adopt renewable energy technologies for the floating clubhouse at the Spruce Harbour Marina (SHM) in Vancouver, B.C. Spruce Harbour Marina is home to the Greater Vancouver Floating Home Co-operative (GVFHC), a nonprofit live-aboard marina community in the False Creek neighbourhood. This report recommends renewable energy technologies for the GVFHC to install, based on a set of weighted decision criteria and a cost-benefit analysis which accounts for the following project objectives: To identify the most viable renewable energy technologies for providing hot water heating and space heating for the clubhouse at Spruce Harbour Marina. To create a feasibility report that provides sufficient information for a grant application to fund the design and implementation of the proposed energy technologies. To provide a list of steps (a “roadmap”) to decrease the energy usage and install renewable energy technologies at the Marina.

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