UBC Undergraduate Research

Charging Electric Vehicles : Developing Policy Options to Accommodate the at Home Charging of Garage Orphan Electric Vehicles in the Metro Vancouver Region Webb, Michael


The City of Vancouver and Metro Vancouver wish to develop a strategy to facilitate the at home charging of electric vehicles (EVs) where their owners do not have onsite parking but rather park their cars on the street when at home. To facilitate this, it is recommended that: 1. The City allow for power at 240 volts to be provided from the EV owner’s home to a vehicle charging station located in the boulevard in front of the owner’s home; 2. A standard be developed such that a charging station can be installed in a cost-effective manner; 3. Reserved EV parking be provided in front of the charging station; 4. The permitting system for the charging station be administratively simple; and, 5. BC Hydro be encouraged to adopt a time of use billing program and review its billing framework and other practices to assure support for EV owners. Further, it is recommended that: 1. The City of Vancouver proceed with a pilot project to encourage and facilitate the ownership of EVs; and 2. Utilizing lessons learned from the pilot project, that the program be rolled out across the entire City as soon as possible.

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