UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Local government rural land use planning in B.C. Johnston, Terry


The objectives of this study are threefold: 1. to provide an understanding of the need for rural land use planning; 2. to describe and compare British Columbia's, Alberta's, Ontario's and Saskatchewan's current system for rural land use planning; and 3. if applicable, suggest improvements to B.C's rural planning process as a result of the research conducted. A historical review of the need for rural planning and land use controls has been conducted in conjunction with research into present day trends. In addition, regional district officials from around the province were contacted in order to obtain their views on rural planning in B.C. This research establishes the need for rural planning, but raises questions about the public's perception of the planning process. To obtain information on alternative planning processes, research is conducted on rural planning in Alberta, Ontario, and Saskatchewan. This information is then evaluated through a comparative analysis with the planning process used prior to Bill 62 and the new Rural Land Use Bylaw. The evaluation concludes that the Rural Land Use Bylaw is preferred over the pre-Bill 62 planning legislation. Incorporating what has been learned in previous chapters, this study concludes by presenting suggestions for amending the existing legislation in order to further simplify the planning process. Additional areas for new research are also detailed in order that planners can strive for a more flexible and responsive planning process to serve the rural public.

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