UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Investigating the effect of computer-assisted science instruction on Korean middle school boys’ and girls’ achievement, attitudes and career aspirations Park, Hyeran


This study explores the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instructions (CAI) in science classrooms in terms of CAI and students' achievement, achievement and Attitudes toward Science (AtoS), AtoS changes and future Career Aspirations (CA), and gender differences on these three constructs with 110 boy and 124 girl Korean middle school students. This study includes the perspectives of educational equity theorist (actualist) and information and knowledge based society: the investigation of the potential of CAI as a compensatory curriculum for low achieving students from socially disadvantageous families and enhancement of young students' computer literacy through curriculum. Based on previous year Grade Point of Average (GPA), participants were categorized into five different achievement groups. The data of pre-test achievement scores were the previous year GPA, and post-test achievement was conducted the same style with pre-tests at the end of this study. The data of AtoS, CA and gender were collected by pre- and post-questionnaires and were quantitatively analyzed with Windows Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 11.5. The research findings are: (1) achievement, AtoS, and CA were improved significantly (p<.05) after utilizing CAI, (2) the lowest achievement group in the pre-test showed the most significant improvement in a post-test (p=.000), (3) the improvement of student achievement significantly influenced AtoS (p=.019) and CA related to science areas (p=.000), and (4) gender differences were statistically significant in favor of boys on three variables (p<.05). This research provides the evidence that CAI has the potential to help low achievement . students as a compensatory tool in science classes, and help young students enhance ICT literacy.

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