UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The effect of temperature on drop size of black liquor sprays Bennington, Chad Patrick Joseph


The effect of temperature on drop size of black liquor sprays produced by small grooved-core nozzles at near boiling point conditions was investigated. It was found that increasing temperature through the boiling point decreased the Sauter mean diameter in a smooth manner, by a magnitide accounted for by the viscosity decrease. In contrast, water sprayed through the same nozzle under similar conditions showed a near step increase in mean drop size for the same temperature increase through its boiling point. The mass-weighted distributions of drop size for black liquor sprays were much broader than those of water, or glycerol/water solutions having the same viscosity as black liquor. Increasing the temperature through the boiling point of black liquor shifted its drop size distribution to smaller diameters.

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