UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Uncovering genetic population structure of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae in Canada and identifying effective sources of resistance in oat Yadav, Bharat


Oat crown rust (caused by the fungus Puccinia coronata var avenae f. sp. avenae) is a destructive fungal disease that causes significant yield losses in the oat crop in Canada. The genomic diversity of the pathogen population is crucial for understanding its adaptation and evolution to new hosts and environments. In this study, we aimed to (1): detect the genomic diversity of Puccinia coronata var avenae f. sp. avenae (Pca) in Canada using high-throughput sequencing data and (2): determine novel effective sources of resistance genes effective against oat crown rust among a set of 21 parental lines. The primary objective of this study is to determine whether reproducing clonal individuals in the Eastern Prairie region (Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan) are genetically distinct from sexually reproducing individuals found in Eastern Canada (Ontario and Quebec). Genomic data from 82 Pca isolates, collected from diverse locations across Canada, were sequenced using Illumina NovaSeq6000 sequencing. Raw short sequence data of another 60 US isolates were also included in this study. Comprehensive bioinformatics pipelines were employed for quality control, mapping, and variant calling of the sequencing data. The analysis utilized four primary tools, encompassing both parametric (PCA) and non-parametric (DAPC) clustering approaches, as well as model (RAxML-NG) and non-model-based (STRUCTURE) structural analyses. Population genetic analysis revealed a relatively low level of genetic variation among the Canadian Pca population, indicating limited diversity. The population displayed distinct genetic patterns based on geographical regions, specifically the Eastern Prairie region and Eastern Canada, with discernible patterns of genetic differentiation over time, while a limited number of U.S. isolates were organized based on temporal considerations. Screening of 21 parental lines identified Leggett as the most resistant cultivar against multiple Pca isolates with virulence on 17 Pc genes, highlighting its usefulness as a parent in Canadian breeding programs. Overall, our study provides critical insights into the genomic diversity of Pca in Canada, enhancing our understanding of its evolution and adaptation to new hosts and environments. These scientific findings will serve as a foundation for developing effective strategies to combat oat crown rust in Canada.

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