UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Breaking the third dimension : outflow properties of a triply lensed quiescent galaxy at z~1.6 Thompson, Mercedes Sierra


The cause of galaxy quenching is varied and complex, which has led to nearly 30 years of contention around its origins. Using observations from the Multi Unit Spectrograph Explorer (MUSE) of a triply lensed quiescent galaxy with an unusually high magnification of approximately 30 at a redshift of z=1.59, we have discovered a possible redshifted outflow signature in its Mg II profile through multicomponent fitting. Our integral field observations are amplified by a gravitational lens, enabling us to determine the spatial and energetic extent of the outflow, as well as its rate of mass transportation across the galaxy at a higher resolution. By examining this galaxy just after the peak of star formation, we aim to provide a detailed analysis of the structural effects galactic-scale outflows can have in quenching a galaxy.

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