UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The glocalising Mediterranean and its northern "periphery" : mobility, trade, and transculture between Iron Age Italy and Hallstatt Europe, ca. 900-500 BCE Hickox, Lillian Grace


This thesis considers the cultural and economic relationship between Iron Age, peninsular Italy and Hallstatt Europe from 900-500 BCE. Through a lens of glocalisation, the author argues that the reciprocal motion of culture, technology, and individuals between these communities led to the formation of transcultures, expressing both local and foreign influences, as well as a polyvalent set of historical and cultural realities. Archaeological, iconographic, and literary sources are used to evaluate five main case studies: metallurgy, Baltic amber, pan-Adriatic mobility, rituals of commensality, and textile production. This study sheds light on an underrepresented landscape in the study of Mediterranean globalisation and applies an alternative model to traditional, axiomatic frameworks such as cultural diffusionism and the Core-Periphery. The author’s conclusions illuminate the extent, complexity, and nature of connectivity between Iron Age Italy and central Europe, illustrate the significance of central Italy in the protohistoric period, and encourage the reader to question the boundaries assigned to the classical and ancient Mediterranean worlds.

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