UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Ring resonator/modulator simulation automation and substrate scattering analysis for applications in integrated silicon photonic circuits Tofini, Alexander


A micro-ring resonator/modulator simulation automation system is presented centered on Lumerical’s application programming interface (API) system called LumAPI. A clean and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) is integrated with the system to increase accessibility while designing the passive ring structure and the P-N junction used for modulation. Furthermore, a database system is implemented to record data for every component simulation that comprises the complete ring. This removes the need for duplicate simulations from ever being executed in the future, thus, reducing the overall simulation time required when designing micro-rings. This process allows the user to model the spectral behaviors of micro-ring resonators with ease and provides the capability to investigate high-speed modulation of micro-ring modulators. The use of micro-ring resonators as a source of photon-pair generation via spontaneous four-wave mixing is then discussed, along with the application of cascaded contra-directional couplers as pump rejection filters. An analysis of potential noise sources is presented along with a novel way to improve the suppression ratio of these filters.

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