UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The quantum hall effect and bulk-edge correspondence on lattice systems Furlotte, Justin


In this thesis, we investigate the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE). Discovered in 1980 by Nobel laureate Klaus von Klitzing, the IQHE is a phenomenon in which the conductivity of a 2-dimensional electron gas is quantized in exact integer multiples of q²/h when subjected to a strong magnetic field at very low temperatures. In particular, we provide a rigorous theoretical description of a phenomenon known as bulk-edge correspondence, wherein the value of the Hall conductivity is unaffected by whether or not one considers a system with an edge or a bulk (i.e. edgeless) system. This is accomplished in two settings. First, we ignore interactions between electrons, and then proceed to the more challenging interacting setting.

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