UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Social network analysis as a progressive tool for learning analytics : a sample of teacher education students’ course interactions with Threadz on the canvas platform Froehlich, Fabian


This thesis investigates social network analysis as a progressive tool for learning analytics through the lens of curriculum theory. The theoretical framework is based on the Tyler rationale and Dewey’s concept of progressivism. A quasi-experiment was conducted relying on an embedded mixed-method research design. Teacher education students (n=18) participated in three online discussions. Two online discussions allowed students to access social network analysis visualizations through Threadz, a Canvas plugin. The overall inquiry focuses on how this exposure of learning analytics data influences the students and how the application of learning analytics might be related to educational ideologies. The methods of investigation rely on social network analysis, inferential statistics and content analysis. The conclusion states that exposing learning analytics data to students might have an impact on their behaviour in online discussions.

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