UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Applicatory contestations, norm bolstering and norm erosion Kozhanova, Nazira


Norm contestation has become a prominent issue in the norm literature lately, however the empirical studies are scarce. In this paper I first propose a theory of the way different types of contestations weaken different aspects of norm robustness, and second, I test this theory using a multi-method approach. The theory I’m proposing is on issue salience being different for two types of contestation, due to different types of backlash contestations cause, with high and lasting contestation salience weakening rhetorical aspect of norm robustness, and not affecting the behavioral aspect, and low and short-term contestation salience weakening behavioral aspect, and not affecting validity aspect of norm robustness. To test this theory in this paper I look at the case of the non-intervention norm applicatory contestation by Russia and anti-whaling norm contestation St. Nevis and Kitts declaration proposed at the International Whaling Commission in 2006. This study offers general support of the hypothesis made in this paper, with an exception of salience dynamics being more important than predicted salience.

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