UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Histone acetylation, not stoichiometry, regulates linker histone binding in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lawrence, Mackenzie Brie Dorothea


Linker histones play a fundamental role in shaping chromatin structure, but how their interaction with chromatin is regulated is not well understood. A combination of genetic and genomic approaches were used to explore the regulation of linker histone binding in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that increased expression of Hho1, the yeast linker histone, resulted in a severe growth defect, despite only subtle changes in chromatin structure. Further, this growth defect was rescued by mutations that increase histone acetylation. Consistent with this, genome-wide analysis of linker histone occupancy revealed an inverse correlation with histone tail acetylation in both yeast and mouse embryonic stem cells. Collectively, these results suggest that histone acetylation negatively regulates linker histone binding in S. cerevisiae and other organisms and provides important insight into how chromatin structure is regulated and maintained to both facilitate and repress transcription.

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