UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The strong subadditivity of holographic entanglement entropy ; from boundary to bulk Rad, Ali I.


One decade ago, Ryu-Takayanagi explicitly introduced a formula that relates the entropy of a subregion in CFT system to a geometrical quantity which is called minimal surface in hyperbolic space. This formula extended to the idea of connection of gravy to quantum mechanics of gauge/gravity duality. This duality which can help us to learn a more interesting feature of each side from the other. Quantum systems obey from some constraints come from the quantum information theory. I would be interesting to find out what is the dual of this constraint in the gravitation system. Dual to the specific class of quantum theories which is called conformal field theories. One of the most significant constraint that QFTs should obey is the strong subadditivity of entanglement entropy. These constraints let the theories have bound on the energy spectrum from the below; Recently there has been the development that the combination of monotonicity of relative entropy and the strong subadditivity of entanglement entropy is equal to have a specific bound on the energy momentum tensor, called quantum null energy condition. In this thesis, we re-look to this argument by introducing the entanglement density and obtain a differential operator from the strong subadditivity and exploiting from the Markov property of the vacuum of CFT. In the next step, by using from the Ryu-Takayangi, we rewrite the strong subadditivity inequality regarding geometrical quantities. By using from the kinematic languages and intertwinement, we realize that the strong subadditivity at the boundary implies new bound on averaged energy condition which has some common feature with the quantum null energy condition statement.

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