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Exploiting psycholinguistic predictors to develop the vocabulary overclaiming in English (VOCE) measure Dubois, Patrick


The overclaiming technique (OCT) measures both knowledge and the tendency to exaggerate knowledge. While proven useful in several domains, deeper understanding of the nature of overclaiming, especially the role of foils, is hampered by lack of standardization and volatility of items. Here I present three studies using English vocabulary as a proxy for general knowledge. Studies 1 and 2 focused on item selection for a 50-item instrument dubbed Vocabulary Overclaiming in English (VOCE). Study 3 confirmed test-retest and concurrent validity. Finally, we examined the pooled item set to search for systematic patterns of linguistic predictors of item performance. In sum, the use of psycholinguistic predictors helped systematize item selection in developing the VOCE, a general measure of overclaiming with commendable psychometric properties.

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