UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Integration of process simulation with damage modelling of composite laminates using layerwise elements Bakhtiarizadeh, Hamidreza


During the last decades, several simulation models have been introduced in numerical modelling of composite structures. Research works in this area are focused on either manufacturing process or in-service behaviour analysis of composite materials. Although, these two phenomena are not separable and the effects of curing process on in-service behaviour of composite material is inevitable in practice, process-induced residual stresses are rarely considered in the in-service analysis of materials. The main objective of this research is to combine the process simulation and in-service analysis of composite materials within a common finite element framework. This would make it possible to model a complete life cycle of composite material from the beginning of the curing process all the way to its failure. In this approach the process-induced residual stresses are carried over to the in-service analysis and failure of the material. The model is implemented in an existing framework for process modelling developed at UBC Composites Group. Minimizing computational cost and accuracy are two important objectives in modelling of composite structures and usually there is a trade-off between these two objectives. In this research with the objective of minimizing computational cost and having the capability of capturing through-thickness stresses accurately, the Layerwise element is selected for the finite element modelling framework. The performance of the integrated process/damage simulation framework is tested through modelling of flat curved composite laminates that undergo various processing (cure) cycles and are subsequently subjected to mechanical loads.

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