UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Arts Umbrella's Theatre Troupes : a history of theatre training for children and youth Chamberlain-Snider, Sandra


Arts Umbrella is a not-for-profit arts education centre for children and youth ages two to nineteen. Its Theatre program has been providing artistic theatre training to young people in the Metro Vancouver area for almost thirty years. This study's objective is to present the history of the Theatre Troupes within a historiographical methodology that takes into account all the contributing factors towards the program's successful development. The material archive resources of Program Guides, Reports to the Board, Newsletters, Show Programs and the original Business Plan are documented in a chronological exposition of the Theatre Troupes' history along with interviews with Arts Umbrella co-founder Carol Henriquez, the influential Troupe directors Sarah Rodgers, Paul Moniz de Sa and Susanne Moniz de Sa, other artist-instructors and a summary of survey questionnaire responses from parents and alumni. The young theatre students at Arts Umbrella have experienced a rich and diverse history of theatre artists in Vancouver, in a safe and nurturing environment that has been consistently funded and stable administratively since inception of the Theatre Arts program in 1984. [An errata to this thesis/dissertation was made available on 2013-05-06.]

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