UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Sex, policies and payroll Kirchen Abegg, Ladina


In this thesis I examine the efficacy of the three major governmentally supported systems that address gender inequalities in the labour market in Canada, i.e. the pay equity system, the maternity and parental benefits system within the employment insurance system and the minimum wage system. I compare these systems to alternative concepts like a living wage and a basic income which are the most commonly discussed options for resolving gender inequalities in the labour market. I conclude that all the reviewed systems fail to provide women equal access on the labour market and that the main cause for this is their role as mothers. In order to stop this erosion of the labour market position I propose to encourage women to maximally engage in the labour market as early as possible after giving birth. An important step toward this goal might be achieved with a governmentally funded and regulated childcare service which is free of charge for everybody who is working.

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