UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Learning from inside : the perspective of Elders, teachers, math educators and mathematicians in the process of developing culturally responsive education Athie-Martinez, Maria-Jose


The math curriculum that Indigenous students receive is not culturally adequate, and there is no research to help understand the experiences of people that take the path to creating culturally relevant math lessons. Hence, this study researches the experiences of a collaborative group that developed culturally-based math lessons through a case study approach within an action research methodology. The literature explored is in the area of culturally responsive education (CRE) and models of curriculum development informed by Schwab, Freire and Cajete. The data was gathered through interview-conversations with participants, and the analysis results were developed through mind maps and diagrams that coded each interview-conversation, and also intertwined the dialogues. The analysis results contain the story of each participant’s experience and through these stories the discussions and conclusions were assembled. The findings and implications involve Elders and teachers when creating CRE lessons, develop a relational dimension of CRE curriculum/lesson development, find cultural catalyst content from which diverse lessons can be developed, and include philosophical underpinnings in CRE lessons.

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