UBC Library and Archives

Geodisy : New geospatial data discovery for Canadian research data Barsky, Eugene; Goodwin, Mark; Dante, Paul


Presentation for Open Repositories 2021. With the rapid proliferation of research data, it is vital to create innovative tools for data discovery and access. This is the goal of Portage’s Geodisy project, an open-source spatial discovery tool for Canadian interdisciplinary open research data. Geodisy provides a map-based search available alongside the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), a national discovery layer indexing over 70 Canadian open repositories. Geodisy is intended for users with diverse experience levels and subject interests and is designed to be accessible for those without GIS knowledge. Data and metadata are extracted from the native repositories and are discoverable based on their location, and individual geospatial files are previewed as visual overlays. For any research that relates to geospatial location, this tool provides a new and useful form of visual discovery.

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