UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Statues in the Avalokitêśvara Hall (Guanyin dian 觀音殿) at Fayuan Temple (法源寺) Liu, Yimin; Xie, Qiye; Wang, Yake; Bi, Youteng; Yao, Huiqiao


There are different versions of Avalokitêśvara (Guanyin 觀音) inside the Avalokitêśvara Hall (Guanyin dian 觀音殿) in Fayuan Temple (Fayuan si 法源寺), a Buddhist Temple in Beijing, China. Two of the statues are depicted here. The first statue has many arms, with the height of 80 cm and width of 60 cm. The second statue has a larger base, with the height of 70 cm and width of 40 cm.

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