UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Foundation (Architectural) Ruins of the Upper Cloud Dwelling Temple (Yunju Shang si 雲居上寺) Xie, Yifeng; Guan, Zhongyue; Wu, Meilian; Cavayero, Michael; Liang, Yunyan


Foundation (Architectural) Ruins of the Upper Cloud Dwelling Temple (Yunju Shang si 雲居上寺). Liao-Jin period (916-1234), 遼金遺址 Buddhist Hall Remains: Presumed as either part of the Upper Cloud Dwelling Temple (Yunju Shang si 雲居上寺) or a place once used to lay-out and dry carved sutra boards in the sun. The foundation of this overall architectural structure faces east, the surface area is aprox. 1020cm. with a depth of aprox. 837cm. The thickness of the external western wall is aprox. 180 cm. in width; the width of the southern wall is aprox. 94 cm. The heaped-stone platform in the architecture’s central area has a surface area of 220 cm. and a depth of 172 cm. Its incomplete height is aprox. 40cm. Additionally, there are three spots that show remnants of column (bases). The east side of the stone base contains square shaped column bases, each with a width of 97 x 97cm and a height of 33cm.; the diameter of the base is 59 cm. The south-east side of the stone base has square-shaped column bases with a surface width of 95 x 95cm and a height of 33 cm; the center contains an inlay hole-like form with a diameter of 37cm.

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