UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Record on the Procedures to Renovate the Heaven Ladder (Tianti 天梯) Route in Shangfang Tuṣita Temple (Doushuai si 兜率寺) Xie, Yifeng; Guan, Zhongyue; Wu, Meilian; Cavayero, Michael; Liang, Yunyan


Record on the Procedures to Renovate the Heaven Ladder (Tianti 天梯) Route in Shangfang Tuṣita Temple (Doushuai si 兜率寺). The body of the stele measures 173 cm high, 84 cm wide, and 14 cm thick. The top portion measures 74 cm high, 90 cm wide, and 18 cm thick. The Guifu 龜趺 base measures 41 cm high, 140 cm wide, and 94 cm thick. The date reads: "明弘治七年 ([Inscribed in] the seventh year of the reign of Hongzhi of the Ming dynasty, 1494)". The top portion is carved with the pattern of dragons.

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