UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Stele Record of the Land Donors in Mount Shangfang (Shang Fangshan上方山) Xie, Yifeng; Guan, Zhongyue; Wu, Meilian; Cavayero, Michael; Liang, Yunyan


Stele Record of the Land Donors in Mount Shangfang (Shang Fangshan上方山). The stele measures 160 cm total height. The base measures 41 cm high, 69 cm wide, and 33.5 cm thick. The body measures 77 cm high, 47.5 cm wide, and 10.5 cm thick. The top part of the stele measures 39 cm high, 41.5 cm wide, and 13 cm thick. The end colophon reads "乾隆三季(1738年)戊午十月 ([Inscribed in] the tenth lunar month of the third year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1738), year Wuwu)." The surface of the rectangular base remains unadorned, the top portion is carved with patterns of mountains, waves, and curved clouds.

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