UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Stele commemorating the Renovation of Chongfu Temple (Chongfu Si 崇福寺) Xie, Yifeng; Guan, Zhongyue; Wu, Meilian; Cavayero, Michael; Liang, Yunyan


Chongfu Temple (Chongfu Si 崇福寺) Stele. The overall height of the stele is 310 cm. The body of the stele measures 174 cm high and 26 cm deep. The base of the stele is the mythological figure, Guifu 龜趺, who holds up the stele. The base of the stele measures approximately 57x88 cm in height and width. On the front side of the stele, there are twenty vertical lines of inscriptions each containing approximately 50 characters. The colophon dates the stele to 1606 CE: "萬曆三十四年丙午仲春 ([Written in] the second lunar month of year Bingwu, the thirty forth year of Wanli reign)". There is no writing on the back side of the stele.

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