UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Stele in the Offering Tea Garden House (Shicha ting 施茶亭) 2 Balkwill, Stephanie; Liu, Yifeng; Wu, Tzu-Wen; Zhang, Lusi; Liu, Yiling; Zhu, Zhaofeng


This is one of the two steles in the Offering Tea Garden House (Shicha ting 施茶亭), which was built in the Ming dynasty 明 (1368-1644). The content of it is difficult to recognize. Image 01 to Image 03 show the frontside, and the Image 04 and Image 05 show the backside. Body measurements: width 70cm, height 170cm, depth 16.5cm. The garden house is located half way up Fangshan 房山. It is actually not a simple garden house 亭 as its name shows, but includes three houses.

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