UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Stone Column of the Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī (Fodingzunsheng Tuoluoni 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼), Yunju Temple 雲居寺 Balkwill, Stephanie; Liu, Yifeng; Wu, Tzu-Wen; Zhang, Lusi; Liu, Yiling; Zhu, Zhaofeng


Stone column of the Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī (Fodingzunsheng Tuoluoni 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼) located at the east side of the North Tower(Bei Ta 北塔) of Yunju Temple (Yunju si 雲居寺) in Beijing 北京 and was built in the Liao dynasty 遼 (916-1125). The texture of the stone column is white marble. The column is an octagonal straight block. It is 2.09 meters high, each side of the base is 34cm long, and each side of the column is 14.21cm long. The whole column is composed of three parts: roof, building body and base. One side of the column is inscribed with inscriptions, while the other seven sides are inscribed with the sutra of Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī. Image 01 is the stone column plaque, Image 02 is the whole stone column, and Image 03 and Image 04 show the scriptures carved on the side of the stone column.

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