UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Porridge Pot for Thousands of People 舍粥鍋,Yunju Temple 雲居寺 Balkwill, Stephanie; Liu, Yifeng; Wu, Tzu-Wen; Zhang, Lusi; Liu, Yiling; Zhu, Zhaofeng


This pot is the largest copper pot in Beijing, said to be a "porridge pot for thousands of people." The copper pot has a diameter of 2.3m, a depth of 1.34m and a weight of 690kg. Built in the Qing 請 Dynasty (1644-1911) during the Qianlong period 乾隆 (1735-1796), it will provided porridge to the pilgrims free of charge on the eighth day of the Chinese lunar calendar and the eighth day of the lunar month. Image 01 is a panoramic view of the copper pot, Image 02 is the fire place, Image 03 is the age mark.

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