UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

The Stone lion 石獅子, Fayuan Temple (法源寺) Balkwill, Stephanie; Liu, Yifeng; Wu, Tzu-Wen; Zhang, Lusi; Liu, Yiling; Zhu, Zhaofeng


Located on the left side of Temple of Heaven in Fayuan Temple (Fayuan si 法源寺), there is a stone lion with a base. The total height is 58cm: the stone lion is 29cm high, the second base is 5cm high, and the base is 24cm high. The second base between the stone lion and the base is 54cm in diameter and the base is 105cm in diameter. Image 01 is a stone statue panorama, Image 02 is a stone lion close-up, Image 03 and Image 05 is a stone lion side view, Image 04 stone lion rear view, Image 07 is a stone top view, Image 08 is a base detail view, Image 09 is a joint detail Figure, Image 10 is a stone image location map.

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