UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Baby-bringing Avalokiteśvara (Songzi Guanyin 送子觀音), Fayuan Temple (法源寺) Balkwill, Stephanie; Liu, Yifeng; Wu, Tzu-Wen; Zhang, Lusi; Liu, Yiling; Zhu, Zhaofeng


Baby-bringing Avalokiteśvara (Songzi Guanyin 送子觀音) is located at Avalokiteśvara hall (Guanyin dian 觀音殿), Fayuan temple (Fayuan si 法源寺). Avalokiteśvara holds a baby in her arms, signifying that she will aid women in conceiving a child. The sculpture's total height is 96.5cm. The figure's height is 64cm. The baby's height is 15cm.

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