UBC Community, Partners, and Alumni Publications

Niches 250-252, Beishan Rock Carvings (北山石刻) Anderl, Christoph; Yu, Sau Ling Wendy


This complex of niches is located in Beishan Rock Carvings (北山石刻), Fowan (佛灣), Dazu (大足) District, Chongqing. All images are severely eroded. Niche 250: A octagonal four-layered pillar is depicted. Niche 251: The middle wall depicts two images seated on lotus thrones. The left corner of the niche frame has a small standing figure. Niche 252: The middle wall depicts two standing images with circular halos trimmed with flame patterns. The right niche frame has a figure standing on an auspicious cloud motif. Inscriptions dated to 907-965 CE (前後蜀) are found outside the niche frame, indicating that this is a niche for bodhisattvas. Source: Dazu shike yanjiuyuan 大足石刻研究院. Dazu shike quanji 大足石刻全集 [Dazu Rock Carvings] Edited by Li Fangyin 黎方銀. 10 vols. Vol. 3-1, Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, 2018, p. 245. Descriptions of the photos: Key to the niches [1]. Overview of the niches [2]. Metadata created by: Sau Ling Wendy Yu.

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